
We treat these too!

"I can barely lift my arm. It’s so painful!"
- Rotator Cuff Tendinitis/Tear

The extremities are your limbs. When treating your knee or shoulder, you can expect the same diligence and experience that goes into treating the spine. We apply the dynamic use of both Cox® Technic and Theralase® for arm and leg pain.

Our innovative knee treatment has been published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. It is also involved in a current prospective study with the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Human Kinetics (see our section on Research). Cox® Technic and Theralase® are also safe for those who have had joint replacements or other surgeries.1


  1. Albano L. The innovative application of Cox® Flexion Distraction Decompression of the knee: a retrospective case series. J Can Chiro Assoc. 2017 Aug;61(2):153-161.